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Risk management for drugs and biologics in the united states

Chapter 16 Risk Management for Drugs and Biologics in the United States Chapter 16RISK MAnAgEMEnT FOR DRugS AnD bIOLOgICS In THE unITED STATES Arcoxia, Vioxx, Acomplia, Zelnorm, and Tysabri; Aranesp, Procrit, Avandia, and Lucentis —all of these prominent drugs, and others, have been in the news often over the past year.1 The concerns raised about them illustrate the unprecedented combined focus on both drug safety and costs, not only by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but also by Congress and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

For which strategies of suicide prevention is there evidence of effectiveness?

For which strategies of suicide prevention is there evidence of effectiveness? ABSTRACT This Health Evidence Network (HEN) synthesis report notes that suicide rates among adolescents and young adults have increased considerably over the last decades. In addition, many widely-used suicide prevention programmes have never been scientifically assessed, thus making it uncertain which are effective. Due to the limited evidence and the heterogeneity of the interventions, it is not possible to determine if onesingle intervention was more effective than another. A broad array of suicide preventive interventionsaddressing different risk factors at various levels will be required. HEN, initiated and coordinated by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, is an information service for public health and health care decision-makers in the WHO European Region. Other interested parties mightalso benefit from HEN. This HEN evidence report is a commissioned work and the contents are the responsibility of the authors.They do not necessarily reflect the official policies of WHO/Europe. The reports were subjectedto international review, managed by the HEN team. When referencing this report, please use the following attribution: Guo B, Harstall C (2004) For which strategies of suicide prevention is there evidence of effectiveness?Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe (Health Evidence Network report;, accessed 15 July 2004).

Microsoft word - anexo 6.doc

 Bienvenido Unidad de Endotelio, Riesgo Cardiovascular y Salud Cardiometabólica Bienvenido al Servicio de la Unidad de Endotelio, Riesgo Cardiovascular y Salud Cardiometabólica. La Unidad Endotelio dependiente del Servicio de Medicina Interna del Hospital Ramón y Cajal, fue concebida en el año 1998, el mismo año en el que fueron concedidos los premios Nóbel de Medicina a los principales investigadores sobre el endotelio, considerado en la medicina actual el barómetro de la enfermedad cardiovascular. Actualmente la Unidad se compone de un grupo multidisciplinar de profesionales, integrada por médicos, enfermeras, nutricionistas, genetistas, biólogos, bioquímicos e ingenieros. Perspectiva histórica En 1980 fue fundada la "Unidad de Diabetes", pionera en su género en España dentro de los Servicios de Medicina Interna y a la que se le fueron incorporando patologías monográficas como la "hipertensión arterial", "dislipemia" y "obesidad", no sólo en el plano asistencial sino también en el de la investigación, participando en multitud de ensayos clínicos, hasta configurarse en 1990 una estructura de "Unidad de Riesgo Cardiovascular" que fue de las primeras en asentarse como tal en nuestro país. Como consecuencia de los cambios experimentados en la patología cardiovascular aterosclerótica y sobre todo como consecuencia del protagonismo creciente del endotelio como "capa funcionalmente activa" y no solo como "capa de revestimiento" en 1998 se presenta un proyecto de cambio a Unidad de Patología Endotelial que se puso en marcha en el año 2000. Sus inicios fueron lentos pero firmes y fructíferos, practicándose desde entonces una medicina moderna en todos sus matices: preventiva, predictiva, participativa, personalizada y traslacional. El comienzo La Unidad de Endotelio, Riesgo Cardiovascular y Salud Cardiometabólica del Hospital Ramón y Cajal, antigua Unidad de Patología Endotelial, fue fundada en el año 2000 como una "sección funcional" del Servicio de Medicina Interna por los entonces responsables del Servicio y del Hospital, bajo el auspicio de la Consejería de Sanidad de la Comunidad de Madrid. Dicha unidad fue a su vez la evolución natural de unidades previas del Servicio de Medicina Interna, servicio que como citado previamente siempre ha mantenido una línea cardiometabólica cuando todavía, ni siquiera, se había acuñado el término. Nuestra trayectoria hasta la actualidad En 2008 la Consejería apuesta de una forma decidida por la Unidad y culmina en unas nuevas instalaciones con un amplio surtido de novedades tecnológicas y bioquímicas para un mejor diagnóstico y manejo del enfermo vascular, claramente diferenciador de las Unidades de Riesgo Vascular de otros Hospitales de la Comunidad de Madrid. La Unidad fue dotada de recursos humanos y materiales en función del número de pacientes incorporados en aquella fecha (400). Las previsiones se quedaron cortas y hoy la Unidad de Endotelio, Riesgo Cardiovascular y Salud Cardiometabólica sobrepasa los 2000 pacientes con una tasa de seguimiento a los 5 años superior al 95%.

Hannah and her sisters

HANNAH AND HER SISTERS As the last credit appears, the song ends in a crescendo and the screen fades to total black. Immediately, a new melody begins, an uptempo jazz number, as a title appears on the screen. "God, she's beautiful." INT. HANNAH'S APARTMENT - NIGHT A full face of Lee, wearing a gray sweater and leaning against the dining room doorway. She gazes into the camera

Colonoscopy brochure 3-13.indd

Instructions for Colonoscopy Preparation FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR YOUR PREPARATION (Ignore Directions to the Middlesex Endoscopy Center instructions with the box.) Failure to take the prep as indicated below will From Points North or South result in a poorly cleansed colon and • Take Route 9 to exit 11, the Randolph Road Exit

Primary Palmar Hyperhidrosis Topical antiperspirant therapy Iontophoresis using tap water (aluminium and zirconium salts) Pay special attention to Educate re-application time/technique correct techique, device, to maximise efficacy and water mineral content, minimise side effects. and patient education/training. response & able to Specialist management for hyperhidrosis

ReviewAzithromycin-chloroquine and the intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancyR Matthew Chico*1, Rudiger Pittrof2, Brian Greenwood1 and Daniel Chandramohan1 Address: 1Department of Infectious and Tropical Disease, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London, WC1E 7HT, UK and 2Enfield Town Clinic, Wenlock House, 33 Eaton Road, Enfield, EN1 1NJ, UK

‘open woonunits' en ‘terugkeercoaches' voor gezinnen met minderjarige kinderen als alternatief voor detentie : evaluatie na drie jaar werking

Plate-forme Mineurs en exil – Platform Kinderen op de vlucht Rue du marché aux poulets – Kiekenmarkt, 30 1000 Bruxelles – Brussel Tél. : 02/210.94.91. Fax : 02/209.61.60 DÉTENTION DES ENFANTS EN FAMILLE EN BELGIQUE : ANALYSE DE LA THÉORIE ET DE LA PRATIQUE Le présent rapport a été réalisé par le groupe de travail « Détention » de la Plate-forme Mineurs en exil. Ce groupe de travail, composé de membres de la Plate-forme, suit de près les actualités en matière de détention d'enfants mineurs, accompagnés ou non. La Plate-forme est un réseau national bilingue et regroupe 38 organisations qui travaillent avec les familles des enfants mineurs en séjour précaire ou irrégulier, et avec les mineurs étrangers non accompagnés. Pour plus d'informations, consultez le sit

Microsoft word - 200978_28a008c6-567f-4ce8-a95f-a4aeebc5039c.doc

07 de Julio del 2009 Ref.: Documento Institucional Secretaria de Planificación en Salud – Médicos del Mundo Argentina Epidemia de Gripe A h1n1-ETI– IRAS en Argentina: Mitos y Realidades en Sistema de Salud, Información Epidemiológica y Determinantes socio-económicos Breve Reseña - ANTECEDENTES La epidemia de Influenza (Gripe A-H1N1 y Gripe estacional) e Infecciones Respiratorias Aguadas-IRAS (Bronquitis, Bronquiolitis, Neumonías, etc) que claramente desborda en demanda a los servicios públicos de salud, al subsector privado y de seguridad social, resulta ser una amenaza a la Salud Colectiva. A su vez, se generó un caos des-informativo, se potenció la descoordinación y fragmentación imperante en los criterios de intervención en el sistema de salud debido a la ausencia de rectoría del Estado nacional, entre otros problemas. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) declaró el ingreso a la Fase 6 de Influeza A (H1N1) instalando la máxima alerta epidemiológica a nivel internacional y activando las medidas, protocolos y acciones pertinentes frente a este estadio de la enfermedad. A nivel nacional en nuestro país el Ministerio de Salud de la Nación llevó adelante los protocolos internacionales de la OMS y las medidas que se tenían establecidas para la potencial pandemia de Gripe Aviar (que nunca ocurrió), dio por terminada así la fase de contención cuando comenzaron los contagios de persona-persona en nuestro territorio y se encuentra en la etapa de mitigación con lo se aplicará principal atención a los grupos vulnerables y en riesgo, se recomendó auto-aislamiento en caso de tener los síntomas de gripe, el cierre de escuelas-universidades, la no realización de eventos u actividades masivas donde exista presencia de personas en lugares cerrados, y la no asistencia de Hospitales-Unidades sanitarias si no se tiene síntomas de la enfermedad, la universalización del tratamiento de profilaxis con el antiviral (oseltamivir – zanamivir) en los casos sospechosos de Gripe A, entre otras medidas. La situación epidemiológica y sanitaria en Argentina actualmente se ubica como el 7to país con más casos de Influenza A (H1N1) en el mundo -segundo en América del Sur- con 2409 casos confimados por el Instituto Malbrán, donde hasta el momento hubo 60 muertes en diferentes puntos de la Ciudad, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Sante Fe, San Juan, Neuquén y Misiones por dicha influenza A (H1N1). Aunque la cantidad real de enfermos puede llegar a más de 100.000 según propias inferencias del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación ya que solo se reporta con prueba diagnóstica por laboratorio los casos severos y mortales, mientras que los leves se tratan directamente como sospechosos sin confirmación por laboratorio. Esta estimación se basa en el supuesto que hubo hasta el momento por lo menos 110.000 casos de Enfermedad Tipo Influenza (ETI) registrados por demanda a los servicios de salud y teniendo en cuenta que se estima que "el 85 o 90 por ciento del virus que circula es A – H1N1 (según centros centinelas), se tomó esta proporción para inferir dicha cifra que justamente daría 100.000. Como se reconoce en esta época del año, en nuestro país se producen 3200 muertes ligadas a la Gripe Estacional obviamente afectando a aquellos con patologías de base o en situación de vulnerabilidad social. Las Infecciones Respiratorias Agudas-IRAS (Neumonías/ Bronquiolitis) la sufren cientos de miles de chicos-adultos-adultos mayor, donde anualmente mueren 19.000 personas y 566 chicos menores de 5 año por dicha situación. En Argentina durante el 2008 se notificó un total de 1.186.997 casos de Enfermedad Tipo Influenza (ETI) en todo el país; mientras que el número de casos notificados de Neumonía en

Véro office roman

L'histoire des meurtres de centaines de très jeunes femmes dans les années 1980, en Les jeunes mortes Argentine. Electre 2016 « Un récit clinique, froid, glacial par moment. Un roman-témoignage qui ne vous quitte pas. » Umpei Hanaoka, après avoir terminé ses études de médecine, se spécialise dans la recherche Kaé ou Les deux rivales


IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ PART III: CONSUMER INFORMATION Reported Pregnancies per 100 Women per Year Combination pill less than 1 to 2 NUVARING® Contraceptive vaginal ring etonogestrel/ethinyl estradiol slow release vaginal ring Intrauterine device (IUD) less than 1 to 6 Condom with spermicidal foam or gel CONTRACEPTIVE VAGINAL RING

Best Practices in Nursing Care to Older Adults From The Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing, New York University, College of Nursing, and the Alzheimer's Association Issue Number D8, Revised 2013 Editor-in-Chief: Sherry A. Greenberg, PhD(c) MSN, GNP-BC New York University College of Nursing Assessing and Managing Delirium in Older Adults with Dementia

Plant Biology ISSN 1435-8603 Tetracycline accumulates in Iberis sempervirens L. throughapoplastic transport inducing oxidative stress and growthinhibitionG. Di Marco1, A. Gismondi1, L. Canuti1, M. Scimeca2, A. Volpe2 & A. Canini11 Department of Biology, University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata', Rome, Italy2 Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata', Rome, Italy

Parkinson's Disease: YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED What is Parkinson's disease (PD)? How did I get PD and who usually gets it? PD is a disease that affects a specific type of cell in No one knows how PD develops for any given individual, the brain. These cells normally make a substance but the risk of getting PD seems to be affected by

This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party

Informationsblatt mesotherapie

esthetic medicine & age prevention Was ist Mesotherapie? Längst lassen sich Gesundheit und Schönheit nicht mehr voneinander trennen - und so rücken auch Medizin, Pharmazie, Ernährung und Kosmetik immer dichter zusammen. Neuester Hype in diesem Bereich ist die Mesotherapie. Die griechische Vorsilbe "Meso" bezieht sich auf den mesodermalen Ursprung von Haut- und Bindegewebe in der embryonalen Entwicklung des Menschen. Mit pharmakologisch wirksamen Schönheitscocktails bietet sie bei zahlreichen Schönheitswünschen eine schnel e, lang anhaltende und vor al em bezahlbare Hilfe, die einen gesunden Lebensstil optimal ergänzt.

Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (2002) 49, 999–1005DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkf009 Risk factors associated with nosocomial methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection including previous use of antimicrobials Eileen M. Graffunder* and Richard A. Venezia Department of Epidemiology MC-45, Albany Medical Center Hospital, 43 New Scotland Avenue, Albany,

No recuerdo si lo hice- def:maeva

No recuerdo si lo hice- def:maeva 30/8/13 13:50 Página 7 ÁLVARO ABELLA VILLAR No recuerdo si lo hice- def:maeva 30/8/13 13:40 Página 9 Para Alice Gervase O'Neill LaPlante No recuerdo si lo hice- def:maeva 30/8/13 13:40 Página 11 No recuerdo si lo hice- def:maeva 30/8/13 13:40 Página 13 Ha pasado algo. Siempre se sabe. Recuperas la consciencia y descubres el destrozo: una lámpara rota, un rostro humanodesolado que se difumina justo cuando estás a punto de reco-nocerlo. A veces, es alguien con un uniforme: un paramédico,una enfermera. Una mano extendida con una pastilla. O dis-puesta a clavar una aguja.

Major changes in criminal law

Anthony N. Lawrence, III Tony Lawrence was born in Pascagoula, Mississippi on April 3, 1965. He is the son of Anthony & Darla Lawrence of Pascagoula. He graduated from Our Lady of Victories High School in 1983. He attended The University of Southern Mississippi, receiving a Bachelor of Science Degree in History and Political Science in 1987. He attended The University of Mississippi School of Law, receiving his Juris Doctor Degree in 1990. He was admitted to the practice of law that year. He also is admitted to practice law in all courts in the State of Alabama. Mr. Lawrence began his practice in a general litigation firm and tried civil lawsuits in both Mississippi and Alabama. He served as Assistant District Attorney from 1996 to 1999 in the Nineteenth Circuit Court District and as a Special Prosecutor in other Circuit Court Districts in the State of Mississippi. He joined the law firm of Colingo, Williams, Heidelberg, Steinberger, & McElhaney on September 20, 1999, and practiced primarily in the area of medical malpractice defense. Mr. Lawrence was elected District Attorney for Jackson, George, and Greene Counties in November 2003 and is presently serving in that position, having been reelected in 2007 and 2011. Mr. Lawrence is a member of the Mississippi Bar, Alabama Bar, Jackson County Bar, the National District Attorneys Association, the Mississippi Prosecutors Association and the Association of Government Attorneys in Capital Litigation. He has served as Special Judge in the Jackson County Youth Court. Mr. Lawrence has served as Vice-President, President-Elect and President of the Mississippi Prosecutor's Association and on the Board of Directors for 7 years. He was appointed by Governor Haley Barbour to serve on the Children's Justice Act Task Force. Mr. Lawrence has been an Adjunct Instructor of Criminal Investigations at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College – Jackson County Campus and the University of Southern Mississippi at the Long Beach campus. Mr. Lawrence was appointed by Governor Phil Bryant to the Judicial Appointment Governor Advisory Committee and the Governor's Teen Pregnancy Task Force. He has served as President of the Singing River Soccer Club, and was a founding officer in the Mississippi Coast Futbol Club. He has coached youth sports for approximately 27 years and served as coach for the Resurrection High School Varsity Girls Soccer Team for 8 years and as head coach for Resurrection Varsity Boys Soccer Team for 5 years. He coached Resurrection High School Mock Trial Team for over 15 years and volunteers as a Guest Lecturer in area schools. He is married to Anita Lawrence, the former Anita Williamson, and they have two children, Taylor age 23, and Bay age 19. They attend Our Lady of Victories Catholic Church.

Abstracts 201

Computerassistierte Implantologie: Entwicklung und state oft the art Autor: G. Widmann Co-Autor: W. Puelacher Kontakt: Universtitätsklinik für Radiologie I, Department Radiologie, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck Adresse: Anichstr. 35, 6020 Innsbruck Email: [email protected] Zielstellung: Die computerassistierte Implantologie hat in den letzen 10 Jahren zunehmend an

Microsoft word - [12] unni 4-19-12.doc

[12] UNNI 4-19-12.DOC (DO NOT DELETE) 9/10/2012 3:01 PM Indian Patent Law and TRIPS: Redrawing the Flexibility Framework in the Context of Public Policy and Health V.K. Unni Presented in March 2011 at the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law Symposium on The Global Impact and Implementation of Human Rights Norms. TABLE OF CONTENTS


Table of Contents 2006 05+ Mustang (197)Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt)USA (fus) Table of Contents 2006 05+ Mustang (197)Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt)USA (fus) Table of Contents All rights reserved. Reproduction by any means, electronic or mechanicalincluding photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrievalsystem or translation in whole or part is not permitted without writtenauthorization from Ford Motor Company. Ford may change the contents withoutnotice and without incurring obligation.

Medicines partnership of australia

Medicines Partnership of Australia Packaging and labelling of pharmaceuticals and consumer safety – a survey of the literature Elizabeth de Somer, Ivan Trofimov Medicines Australia Ltd Introduction Inadequate and ambiguous packaging and label ing of medications is widely perceived as a

Comunicati Care Maestre, cari Maestri, cari Consoli Regionali e Provinciali mi appello al vostro radicato spirito associativo, alla vostra sensibilità Appello alle lettrici e ai lettori per richiamare l'attenzione di tutti sul XXXIV Convegno Nazio- di Silvio Manfredi nale di Ascoli Piceno che si terrà nei giorni 9 e 10 maggio p.v. Dobbiamo essere numerosi e coesi, dobbiamo dare prova che an-


Wie gründe ich eine Selbsthilfegruppe? – Ein praktischer Ratgeber Einleitung: Die Diagnose Multiples Myelom/Plasmozytom ist eine große Herausforderung. Dabei handelt es sich um eine seltene und komplizierte Krankheit. Die Diagnose ist häufig nicht eindeutig, und die empfohlene Behandlung kann von Arzt zu Arzt variieren. Dies trägt nicht gerade dazu bei, neu erkrankten Patienten ein Gefühl von Sicherheit zu vermitteln. Dennoch, mit geeigneten Testverfahren und Untersuchungen kann eine eindeutige Diagnose gestellt werden. Patienten ohne Symptome können durch regelmäßige Kontrolluntersuchungen ohne aggressive Therapien behandelt werden. Patienten mit Symptomen kann mit einer Therapie geholfen werden, durch die die Krankheit höchstwahrscheinlich für Jahre eingedämmt wird. Darüber hinaus kann der Einsatz von neuen Therapieformen in Erwägung gezogen werden, um eventuell den Krankheitsverlauf langfristig zu kontrollieren oder sogar eine Heilung zu erreichen. Damit Patienten, deren Angehörige und Freunde das Leben mit Multiplem Myelom/Plasmozytom erfolgreich meistern können, ist es sehr wichtig, dass sie bei der Krankheitsbewältigung unterstützt werden. Dies geschieht durch die Vermittlung von Wissen, einer positiven Einstellung und Fähigkeiten zur Krankheitsbewältigung. Für Patienten und betreuende Personen, die sich mit der Diagnose Multiples Myelom/Plasmozytom konfrontiert sehen, ist diese Hilfe unerlässlich. Selbsthilfegruppen können dabei eine Richtung vorgeben und Informationen aus erster Hand liefern: Die gegenseitige Unterstützung und der Informationsaustausch mit Menschen, die sich in einer ähnlichen Situation befinden, können dazu beitragen, dass Patienten sich weniger allein gelassen fühlen. Myeloma Euronet ist ein neuer zwangloser Zusammenschluss von nationalen Organisationen, die Menschen mit Multiplem Myelom/Plasmozytom und deren Angehörige und Freunde bestmöglich unterstützen möchten. Sämtliche Mitgliedsorganisationen sind mit der Gründung und Leitung von Selbsthilfegruppen bestens vertraut. Mit ihrem Wissen und ihrer Erfahrung haben sie zur Erstellung dieser Broschüre beigetragen. Mit diesem Ratgeber möchten wir Ihnen eine Anleitung zur Gründung Ihrer eigenen Selbsthilfegruppe geben. Die emotionale und soziale Unterstützung von Menschen mit Multiplem Myelom/Plasmozytom ist ebenso wichtig wie deren medizinische Betreuung. Mit Ihrer eigenen Selbsthilfegruppe können Sie die Betroffenen beim Umgang mit Angst und Frustration unterstützen und ihnen letztendlich zu einem bewussteren Leben verhelfen.

Powerpoint presentation

ESPOSIZIONE A PESTICIDI E RISCHI PER LA SALUTE UMANA 19 settembre 2016 FORLI' PATRIZIA GENTILINI PESTICIDI "Molecole di sintesi selezionate per combattere organismi nocivi e per questo generalmente pericolose per tutti gli organismi viventi" I SISTEMI VIVENTI SONO SISTEMI COMPLESSI

Grey Squirrel Bait 5/2/07 11:53 am Page 1 GREY SQUIRREL BAIT Contains: WARFARIN 0.02%w/w For use only in vertebrate control. A ready to use granular bait for the control of grey squirrels. The (COSHH) Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 may apply to the use of this product at work. This product is approved under The Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986 (as amended) for use


Survey Results & analysis for Global survey of models of preclinical TB drug testing This report contains a detailed statistical analysis of the results to the survey titled Global survey of models of preclinical TB drug testing . The results analysis includes answers from all respondents who took the survey (30 completed responses were received to the survey up to this time)

BMC Molecular Biology Research articleHin-mediated DNA knotting and recombining promote replicon dysfunction and mutationRichard W Deibler†1,2,3, Jennifer K Mann†2,4, De Witt L Sumners4 and Lynn Zechiedrich*1,2,4 Address: 1Interdepartmental Program in Cell and Molecular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030-3411 USA, 2Department of Molecular Virology and Microbiology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030-3411 USA, 3Department of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 USA and 4Department of Mathematics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306-4510 USA


Special Expanded Issue • Exercise to Improve Mobility Published by the Multiple Sclerosis Symptom Management Update Association of AmericaDouglas G. Franklin By Diana M. Schneider, Ph.D . 3 This expanded cover story gives an overview Gary Wallace, CPA of the strategies and agents used to manage

A simple (ish) guide to the Psychoactive Substances Bill Date: 15/12/2015 What is it?: A Bill that, if it becomes law, will make it an offence to produce, supply or offer to supply any psychoactive substance with the exemption of nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and medicinal products.1,2 The main intention of the Bill is to shut down shops and websites that

Medical Technology SA Volume 25 No. 1 June 2011 Peer reviewed rEviEW PATHOGENESIS AND FUTURE TREATMENTS OF SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS: THE ROLE OF CYTOKINES AND ANTI-CYTOKINES?W. J. MauleUniversity of Johannesburg, Department of Biomedical Technology, Faculty of Health Sciences, South [email protected] tel: +27 (0)11 559 6265 fax: +27 (0)11 559 6558

High Performance Alarm Release 02 Congratulations on your choice of a MetaSystem product! We would like to ask you to read the instructions in this manual carefully as you will find it contains useful information to get acquainted with the many possibilities that the H.P.A (High Performance Alarm) range of products is able to offer. After you have installed the product according to the "installation instructions" supplied with the product, and which


Quanto sangue, quanto dolore per arrivare a questa Costituzione! Dietro ogni articolo di questa Costitu- zione o giovani, voi dovete vedere giovani come voi, Camera del Lavoro caduti combattendo, fucilati, impiccati, torturati,morti di fame nei campi di concentramento, morti in di Cosenza Russia, morti in Africa, morti per le strade di Milano,per le strade di Firenze, che hanno dato la vita perché

Dossier de presse : internats d'excellence 2010

L'internat d'excellence, une chance de plus pour réussir Mercredi 10 février 2010 DOSSIER DE PRESSE Sommaire L'internat d'excellence, une chance de plus pour réussir Sommaire ƒ Présentation : l'internat d'excellence, l'offre d'un modèle éducatif nouveau

Microsoft word - doping in sport-2.doc

DOPING IN SPORT Introduction 1. During the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000, a Panel of the Court of Arbitration & Sport ("CAS") issued a decision in the case of the young Roumanian gymnast, Ms Raducan. That decision included the following: "The Panel is aware of the impact its decision will have on a fine, young, elite athlete. It finds, in balancing the interests of Ms Raducan with the commitment of the Olympic Movement to drugs-free sport, the Anti-Doping Code must be enforced without compromise."

Microsoft word - 2016 statewide presenter biographies.docx

Trauma in the Rearview Mirror: Closer Than it May Appear March 31, 2016 – April 1, 2016 Presenter Biographies Hon. Jeffrey Moskowitz Deputy Chief Judge Moskowitz earned a Bachelor's Degree from St. Lawrence University in 1980 and a J.D. from Syracuse University College of Law in 1984. Deputy Chief Judge Moskowitz worked as a prosecutor in the York County District Attorney's office before being appointed to the Maine District Court in 2008. He has served as the Deputy Chief of the Maine District Court since 2014. Julie Atkins, MA, CASA Julie Atkins is a Research Associate at the Muskie School of Public Service at the University of Southern Maine. She provides technical assistance to state and tribal child welfare agencies on the use of data to improve outcomes. Ms. Atkins received her M.A. in American and New England Studies from the University of Southern Maine. She has been a Court Appointed Special Advocate since 2013. Esther Attean, MSW Esther Attean works for the Muskie School of Public Service and is a co-director for the work of Maine-Wabanaki REACH, a cross cultural collaborative that established and convened the truth commission. Esther is Passamaquoddy from Sipayik and holds an M.S.W. from the University of Maine. She came to the Muskie School in 2003 to work with young people in their transition out of foster care. Det. Sgt. Bill Bonney Det. Sgt. Bonney is an 18 year veteran of the Waterville Police Department having served as a patrol officer, community policing officer, detective, patrol sergeant, communications supervisor, and now in his current position as the supervisor of the Waterville Police Department Detective Division. Det. Sgt. Bonney has a B.A in Criminology from the University of Southern Maine and a Master of Criminal Justice from Boston University. He has been involved in the investigation and supervision of numerous high profile cases and has taken a leading role in identifying and investigating human trafficking in Central Maine. Tonier Cain After surviving a childhood of unspeakable sexual abuse, unrelenting violence, and betrayal by systems that were charged with helping, Ms. Tonier Cain stands before her audiences today, a testimony to the resiliency of the human spirit exemplifying the innate human instinct to survive. Tonier "Neen" Cain lived on the streets for twenty nightmarish years. Years filled with hunger, brutality and a lifestyle that when described, seems unconscionable. Incarcerated and pregnant in 2004, someone finally took the time to ask: "what happened to you" instead of "what's wrong with you." It is at that moment she began her journey to become a survivor and for the first time in her life began to live with more hope than fear. The impact of trauma is realized by every age group, race, ethnicity, socio-economic group, gender, community, and workforce. As Ms. Cain shares her story, audience members find themselves challenging their professional and personal beliefs. Her experience illustrates the consequences that untreated trauma has on individuals and society at-large, including mental health problems, addiction, homelessness and incarceration. Her story evokes anger, frustration, sadness, and despair. It often triggers past


A General Mechanism forTuning: Gain Control Circuitsand Synapses Underlie Tuningof Cortical Neurons Minjoon Kouh and Tomaso Poggio Tuning to an optimal stimulus is a widespread property of neurons in cortex. We propose that such tuningis a consequence of normalization or gain control circuits. We also present a biologically plausible neuralcircuitry of tuning. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004

Abi gezint Zeitreisepass Christian Schreger berichtet von einem wunderbaren interkulturellen Projekt der M2 (VS Ortnergasse), in dessen Rahmen sich die SchülerInnen intensiv mit der jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur auseinandersetzten. Dabei wurden nicht nur jiddische Lieder gesungen: Abi gezint! Gesund sein! Als die VS Ortnergasse mit Beginn des Schuljahres 2010/2011 im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes sang- und klanglos aus dem Konzerthaus-Projekt "Vorlaut" herausfiel, waren viele Kinder sehr enttäuscht - besonders aus der M2 hatte eine große Gruppe am kostenlosen Musikunterricht mit professionellen Trainern teilgenommen, der sich musikalische Förderung von Kindern nach dem Vorbild von "La Sistema" aus Venezuela auf die Fahnen geschrieben hatte.

What are 'good' depression symptoms? Comparing the centrality of DSM and non-DSM symptoms of depression in a network analysis Eiko I. Fried1, PhD; Sacha Epskamp2; Randolph M. Nesse, MD3; Francis Tuerlinckx1, PhD; Denny 1Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; 2Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 306: G796–G801, 2014.First published March 13, 2014; doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00130.2013. Prokinetic effects of mirtazapine on gastrointestinal transit Jieyun Yin,1 Jun Song,1 Yong Lei,3 Xiaohong Xu,3 and Jiande D. Z. Chen1,2,31Division of Gastroenterology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas; 2Ningbo Pace Translational MedicalResearch Center, Ningbo, China; and 3Veterans Research and Education Foundation, VA Medical Center, Oklahoma City,Oklahoma

Springel pagesrc.indd

NATURE Vol 440 27 April 2006 doi:10.1038/nature04805 The large-scale structure of the UniverseVolker Springel1, Carlos S. Frenk2 & Simon D. M. White1 Research over the past 25 years has led to the view that the rich tapestry of present-day cosmic structure arose during the first instants of creation, where weak ripples were imposed on the otherwise uniform and rapidly expanding primordial soup. Over 14 billion years of evolution, these ripples have been amplified to enormous proportions by gravitational forces, producing ever-growing concentrations of dark matter in which ordinary gases cool, condense and fragment to make galaxies. This process can be faithfully mimicked in large computer simulations, and tested by observations that probe the history of the Universe starting from just 400,000 years after the Big Bang.

The Role of Prostate The R Support ole of Pro Group in Health Cancer Promotion Support Gro ups in Health Promotion Executive Summary: 2009 Executive Summary: 2009 Support and rt and nce p n ov

0022-3565/08/3251-1–9$20.00THE JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS Copyright © 2008 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics JPET 325:1–9, 2008 Printed in U.S.A. Perspectives in Pharmacology Exploiting Complexity and the Robustness of NetworkArchitecture for Drug Discovery Marc K. Hellerstein Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, California; Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism,Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, California; and KineMed, Inc, Emeryville, California

Ce 330 - aging, systemic disease and oral health: implications for women worldwide (part ii)

Aging, Systemic Disease and Oral Health: Implications for Women Worldwide (Part II) Pam Hughes, RDH, MS Continuing Education Units: 3 hours Part one of this two-part series on Women, Aging and Oral Health appears in the CE library and introduced the global prevalence and risk factors of three common health conditions among aging women: cardiovascular disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. The aim of the course was to provide dental professionals prevention and treatment approaches, information on connections to oral health and specific treatment plans for each condition.

The role of the consultant pharmacist in long-term-care

In Geriatric Medicine and Medical Direction – Volume 36 Issue 4 – April 2015 A Peer Reviewed Journal of the Minnesota Medical Directors Association Managing Residents with Parkinson's Disease in Long-Term Care By: Martha A. Nance MD Parkinson's disease currently affects up to one Although the diagnostic criteria for PD emphasize million Americans. With increasing longevity as we


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Insulin resistance and bone strength: findings from the study of midlife in the united states

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Rapid oscillometric blood pressure measurement compared toconventional oscillometric measurementSteven A. Yarowsa, Ketul Patelb and Robert Brooka Background There have been few reports studying the necessary interval between blood pressure Oscillometric blood pressure measurement has largely measurements, after the initial rest period.

Curriculum vitae

CHRISTINE M. HEIM CHRISTINE MARCELLE HEIM Curriculum Vitae OFFICE ADDRESS Institute of Medical Psychology Charité Center for Health and Human Sciences Charité University Medicine Berlin Tel: +49 (0)30 450 529 221 Fax: +49 (0)30 450 529 990 CURRENT POSITIONS AND AFFILIATIONS Professor (W3) and Director of Institute of Medical Psychology, Charité Center

Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education & Research 1:12-44 (2011) Biological Activities of Some Indian medicinal plants Khandelwal Vinoth Kumar Megraj1*, Koneri Raju2, R Balaraman1, Kandhavelu 1. Pharmacy Department, The MS university of Baroda, Vadodara, India. 2. Karnataka College of Pharmacy, Bangalore, India. 3. Department of Signal processing, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere,

For our members Preventive Care MedicationsAdvantage Prescription Drug List (PDL)1,2,3 $0 Cost-share Medications & Products U.S. Preventive Services Task Force A & B Recommendation Medications and SupplementsThese medications and supplements will be covered at $0 cost-share when:  Prescribed by a health care professional  Age and/or gender appropriate  Filled at a network pharmacy Most medications are available over-the-counter (OTC) except for prescription fluoride. All brands are

Inscrita el 11/10/2001 con el número 255 en el Registro de ICC Extranjeras de la CNMV MEDIOLANUM INTERNATIONAL FUNDS LIMITED (Sociedad Gestora) RBC DEXIA INVESTOR SERVICES BANK S.A., DUBLIN BRANCH ESCRITURA DE TRUST MODIFICADA Y REFUNDIDA (un fondo de inversión en régimen fiduciario ("unit trust"). DILLON EUSTACE SOLICITORS

Acupuncture-induced changes of vagal function in patients with depression: a preliminary sham-controlled study with press needles

Contents lists available at Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice Acupuncture-induced changes of vagal function in patients withdepression: A preliminary sham-controlled study with press needles Yoshihiro Noda , Takuji Izuno Yoshie Tsuchiya , Shunsuke Hayasaka ,Kiiko Matsumoto Hirohiko Murakami , Arata Ito , Yukari Shinse , Aya Suzuki ,Motoaki Nakamura , * a Kanagawa Psychiatric Center, 2-5-1 Serigaya, Kohnan-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, 233-0006, Japanb Department of Neuropsychiatry, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8655, Japanc Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, 1001 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON, M6J 1H4, Canadad Kiiko Matsumoto Acupuncture Clinic, 1223 Walnut Street, Newton Highlands, MA, 02461, USA

TRAINING VESSEL MANATRA – 2016 TRAINING CRUISES INFORMATION FOR CADET APPLICANTS Cadets and parents should read this information carefully before submitting requests for billets. The Ship: Training Vessel Manatra (ex YP-671) is an 80-foot yard patrol craft. Originally built to train Naval Academy and Officer Candidate School midshipman, the vessel is now owned and operated by the Marine Navigation and Training Association, Inc., of Chicago (MANATRA) for the training of sea cadets, and NROTC midshipmen from Midwest universities. The Association is a non-profit organization whose voluntary members include former mariners of the Navy, Coast Guard, Merchant Marine, and others interested in introducing cadets to the sea services through a quality shipboard experience. YP-671 is the third vessel operated by the Association since 1946.

Renato Parascandolo La televisione oltrela televisione Questo volume è stato pubblicato Prefazione di Remo Bodei in collaborazione con l'Istituto italianoper gli Studi filosofici La televisione oltre la televisione I edizione: febbraio 2000© Copyright Editori Riuniti via Alberico II, 33 - 00193 RomaISBN 88-359-4845-2 Parte prima. Questioni di sfondo Internet versus televisioneL'illusione totalitaria, p. 14 - Il «tempo» dei media, p. 15 - L'in-terazione tra i media, p. 17 - Il vizio «mediacentrico», p. 19.

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Single-pass CO2-laser skin resurfacing in combination with cold air cooling. Efficacy and patient satisfaction of a prospective side-by- side study Christian Raulin, Hortensia Grema, Laserklinik Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany Word count: 1998 Correspondence address: Christian Raulin, M.D. Laserklinik Karlsruhe Kaiserstr. 104 Germany 76133 Karlsruhe www:

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Mr. Sanjay Singh MBBS, MS, FRACS, FRCS (UK) 2 - 4 Charles Street Tel: 02 4474 3774 Fax: 02 4474 3775 Write questions or notes here: Surgery for Ingrowing Toenail (adult) Further Information and Feedback:You can get more information about this procedure at aboutmyhealth.orgTell us how useful you found this document at www.patientfeedback.orgBrochure code: GS16

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An algorithm recommendation for the management of knee osteoarthritis in europe and internationally_ a report from a task force of the european society for clinical and economic aspects of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis (esceo)

Contents lists available at Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism journal homepage: An algorithm recommendation for the management of kneeosteoarthritis in Europe and internationally: A report from atask force of the European Society for Clinical and EconomicAspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis (ESCEO) Olivier Bruyère, n, Cyrus Cooper, MD, PhDJean-Pierre Pelletier, MD, Jaime Branco, MD, Maria Luisa Brandi, MDFrancis Guillemin, MD, Marc C. Hochberg, MD, John A. Kanis, Tore K. Kvien, MD, Johanne Martel-Pelletier, PhD, René Rizzoli, MD, Stuart Silverman, MD,Jean-Yves Reginster, MD, PhD

2004 hormones role of ipgs in mediating is & hyperandrogenism in pcos

HORMONES 2004, 3(4):244-251 A Paradox: The Roles of Inositolphosphoglycans in mediating insulinsensitivity and Hyperandrogenism in the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Kai I. Cheang1, Paulina Essah2, John E. Nestler2,3 1Ph.D., Department of Pharmacy, 2M.D., Department of Internal Medicine, 3M.D., Department ofObstetrics and Gynecology, Medical College of Virginia Campus, Virginia CommonwealthUniversity, Richmond, Virginia

HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS These highlights do not include all the information needed to use • Serotonin Syndrome: Increased risk when co-administered with other VIIBRYD safely and effectively. See full prescribing information for serotonergic agents (e.g., SSRI, SNRI, triptans), but also when taken alone.

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Estatutos de la Fundación Melior CAPÍTULO I - CONSTITUCIÓN DE LA FUNDACIÓN Artículo 1. Denominación, naturaleza, domicilio y ámbito de actuación. 1. La Fundación Melior es una organización sin fin de lucro, que tiene afectado de modo duradero su patrimonio a la realización de los fines de interés general que se detallan en estos Estatutos.

News and updates, april-october,fy2013

(April-September, FY2013) Board of Directors Advancing Towards Legalizing MiCare Presence in Manila The FSM Assistant Attorney, Mr. Joses Gallen accompanied by the MiCare Administrator, Nena S. Nena met with a Makati based law firm last October 14, 2013 to discuss the possibility of extending legal as- FSM National Government sistance to MiCare. There is a need to register in the

Microsoft word - proceedingsrt+plim.doc

ICT implants in the human body : a review 21 December 2004 Fabienne NSANZE Introduction Present day uses such as heart pacemakers, cochlear implants and neurostimulators are not the focus of this paper. Rather, attention is given to implants that use computer technology either for control/surveillance or enhancement purposes. Apart from one example (the subdermal RFID device, Verichip™, see below), all of these ICT implantations are active implantable devices for "functional electrical stimulation". They partially replace the neural functions of the body by means of electrodes that establish a direct contact to nerves. "Over the last 50 years, we have seen evolution of pacemaker technologies, as an accepted form of intrusion into human body." This is confirmed by the recent U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval of implantable ID chips in humans, for security, financial and personal identification or safety applications. Besides medical purposes, "for [healthy] beneficiaries, implant technologies involve possibly some future advantages, like rapid math, memory capacity or communication by thought. " [quoted from] Categorisation of Implantable Devices Implantable devices can be categorised as medical or non-medical devices, both either passive or active devices.